NOTICE of Aquatic Invasive Species Weed Treatment
The Chain O’ Lakes Association has contracted in 2024 to treat the following Aquatic Invasive Species: Curly Leaf Pondweed in Louisa and Marie Lakes, and Eurasian Water Milfoil in Lake Marie.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has granted to The Chain O’ Lakes Association a waiver of the requirement that the association obtain the signatures of approval of owners of lake-shore property. Instead, The Chain O’ Lakes Association will notify property owners of the treatment through alternate forms. This notice is one form that The Chain O’ Lakes Association is using to notify property owners. Other forms include notification on The Chain O’ Lakes Association Facebook page: Chain O’Lakes Organization (COLA)
With regard to the treatment for this year, 2024:
The two forms below are for two distinct purposes. The first is for requesting that no Curly Leaf Pondweed herbicide treatment be done near your shoreline. The next form is for requesting that no Eurasian Water Milfoil herbicide treatment be done near your shoreline. CLP and EWM are aquatic invasive species that we have been performing control actions on for nearly 10 years (CLP) and 3 years (EWM) using money from a local levy administered by the Clearwater River Watershed District. The levy ensures that all lakeshore property owners are contributing to AIS control even though the MN DNR limits the treatment area to 15% of the possible treatment areas per year. Treatment along your shoreline does not increase your taxes and denying these treatment applications along your shoreline will have no effect on your taxes paid over the coming years.
As you consider your options, be assured that our treatment programs for CLP and EWM are supervised by a Minnesota Aquatic Ecologist, permitted and overseen by the MN Department of Natural Resources, and applied by a professional treatment company that provides similar services all over Minnesota, east to the Atlantic ocean and south into the Carolinas. All three of these organizations have been advising your COLA Board of Directors for many years along with many other lake associations in Minnesota. Finally, all of this work is also reviewed by the Clearwater River Watershed District on an annual basis.
It sounds complicated, but when you have the right service providers it’s relatively painless. Suffice to say though, they know what they’re doing, and we’ve seen the very positive results of their advice over the past ten years or so. These treatment programs make a huge difference in water quality and thus the enjoyment of our Chain O’Lakes.